Public / Banners
Materials: Textiles, motors, drivers, custom hardware and software.
10 x 10 x 5.60 m
Through this installation, Random International continues their exploration of the human condition in an increasingly mechanised environment. Public (Banners) emphasises the significance of physical presence and within today's ephemeral, digital world. The monumental, seemingly sentient objects invite us to attract their gaze through our own movements. The objects react collectively, deftly turning towards us, or shying away from us, in synchrony. This creates a kind of physical dialogue that continually alters the surrounding spatial domain; pathways are opened up to us. The monolithic form and architectural scale of the objects, their colour and automated behaviour all contrast with the soft fluidity of their fabric and their reminiscently anthropomorphic gestures. An everchanged labyrinth, the work poses a question: do we crave the attention of the machine or vice versa?